"Home" is the movie i saw yesterday, outside the panoramica 2008.
I considered as the best in the entire week.
It is the funny story of a family living happily in an isolated house at the edge of an unused motorway. The highway will reveal strong intimate ties between the characters and it becomes the place where each one of the characters projects their own neurosis. The parents try to protect their family from the infernal noise and dangers that are presented when the road is opened to traffic. Their grumpy daughter continues to don her bikini and languish in a deckchair despite the cars whizzing close by; the middle daughter frets about the effect of the noxious fumes; and the youngest child sees it all initially as an adventure. Isolation turn into madness. As time goes by, the tone of the film shifts, becoming less comic as the director introduces elements of melodrama and horror. All the movie jump from a dramatic scene to another one that’s a bit more burlesque. Caldamente Consigliato!!!